
2008年8月12日 星期二

080812- IT school

We were going to give lectures in IT School for students aged from 11 ~15 in the following two weeks. Originally we got a message that there were 28 students coming from 7 different schools, 4 students per school. But due to summer vacation, it is hard to call students together under a bad transportation situation and accidental reasons.

Therefore, there were only 16 students from Uncle Rich school in the morning. Happily there were 5 more students from XX school coming later. There were 21 students in total.

Today was the first class. Joy started the opening with Denise (OVF training teacher) and 10 of us.

In the morning, Denise introduced what computer is and mentioned about super PC/mini PC/Palm PC and so on. He just gave them a simple conception of that since they were all beginners. The 2nd class started at 1:30pm. Denise continually introduced PC in relation to hardware & software. Afterwards, Peter was in charge of the rest time, around 1 hr. He taught them how to use mouse, such as opening files, minimizing & maimizing the windows. So they were going to have an idea at first step. Above was the outline of first class today.

Furthermore, for such beginners, they were very courious about the machines. Sometimes they enjoyed the dragging mouse and sometimes they were frustrated about unmovable point of arror. Most children were excited but few were scared by PC thoroughtly. PC to them is like a magic mirror which can complete their dreams totally and discover a whole new world out of boundry of Ghana. That's why they are here. They are so eager to learn the latest technology!

Hope the classes really help and evoke their interests to the technology through internet by themselves after we leave! Hope the classes will go smoothly and successfully!

PS. Most students have no idea about PC at all except 4 or 5 who have PCs at home. Thus, we decided to divide them into basic, medium and advanced levels. The basic level has more tutors aside. That way the presenter will be easy to go through the lecture.


