
2008年10月28日 星期二


# 攝影展:10/27(一)-10/31(五)圖書館前海報牆


# 文化展:10/28(二)-10/29(三) 12:00-12:50小吃部前野台


# 成果展:10/28(二)18:30小吃部前野台


# 招募說明會:10/29(三) 19:00 (18:30 開放入場)第一綜合大樓(行政大樓)軍訓教室


# 名人演講:10/30(四) 20:00 (19:30 開放入場)第一綜合大樓(行政大樓)軍訓教室





10/28前來信報名 現場備有小餐點~~



著作有《蓋滿愛心的護照》、《世界離你並不遠》系列等30多本。 在台大唸政治;埃及開羅唸新聞;美國哈佛唸公共政策,終於證明自己不是念書的料。旅行的足跡廣布全球,喜歡學習新語言,耗體力的運動和無所事事。不論在地球哪一個角落醒來,早上都會先喝咖啡。 這個人有點古怪,從小志願是當農夫,在他念高中的時候,因為發現到原來台灣這麼小,於是足跡開始踏出海外,旅行對他而言,已然是生活的一部分,甚至就像空氣一般...三十歲前已走過八十幾個國家的褚士瑩說,台灣好像成了第二個故鄉。至於他的未來家鄉,則還在尋找中,預計在四十歲退休的他,希望到時候會選擇一個心目中的久居之地安老,同時投入國際志工的培育工作。 曾任美國高科技公司亞太區客戶服務總監,專門為跨國跨語言產品,制定全球化或本土化的策略計畫。定期穿梭在太平洋兩岸,工作賣力,卻吃好睡好,玩心不減,用公益的觀點來管理;用旅行者的態度來生活。

2008年10月23日 星期四



It is one of the Ghanaian staple food ingredient called Cassava which is a kind of yam but not really. Ghanaians always mash it into one ingredient of Fufu or face wall. The cassava, yuca, manioc, or mandioca (Manihot esculenta) is a woody shrub of the Euphorbiaceae (spurge family) native to South America that is extensively cultivated as an annual crop in tropical and subtropical regions for its edible starchy tuberous root, a major source of carbohydrates. Cassava is the third largest source of carbohydrates for human food in the world, with Africa its largest center of production. The flour made of the roots is called tapioca.

Cooked in various ways, cassava is used in a variety of dishes. The soft-boiled root has a delicate flavor and can replace boiled potatoes in many uses: as an accompaniment for meat dishes, or made into purées, dumplings, soups, stews, gravies, etc.. Deep fried (after boiling or steaming), it can replace fried potatoes, with a distinctive flavor. Tapioca and foufou are made from the starchy cassava root flour. Tapioca is an essentially flavourless starchy ingredient, or fecula, produced from treated and dried cassava (manioc) root and used in cooking. It is similar to sago and is commonly used to make a milky pudding similar to rice pudding.Cassava flour, also called tapioca flour or tapioca starch, can also replace wheat flour, and is so-used by some people with wheat allergies, such as coeliac disease. Boba tapioca pearls are made from cassava root. It is also used in cereals for which several tribes in South America have used it extensively. It is also used in making cassava cake, a popular pastry.

The juice of the bitter cassava, boiled to the consistence of thick syrup and flavored with spices, is called Cassareep. It is used as a basis for various sauces and as a culinary flavoring, principally in tropical countries. It is exported chiefly from Guyana.

The leaves can be pounded to a fine chaff and cooked as a palaver sauce in Sierra Leone, usually with palm oil but vegetable oil can also be used. Palaver sauces contain meat and fish as well. It is necessary to wash the leaf chaff several times to remove the bitterness.In many countries, significant research has begun to evaluate the use of cassava as an ethanol biofuel.

In China, dried tapioca are used among other industrial applications as raw material for the production of consumable alcohol and emerging non-grain feedstock of ethanol fuel, which is a form of renewable energy to substitute petrol (gasoline). Under the Development Plan for Renewable Energy in the 11th Five-Year Plan in China, the target is to increase the application of ethanol fuel by non-grain feedstock to 2 million tonnes, and that of bio-diesel to 200 thousand tonnes by 2010. This will be equivalent to a substitute of 10 million tonnes of petroleum. As a result, cassava (tapioca) chips have gradually become a major source for ethanol production.

Source from


Food-Rice Ball

This dish is my most favorite because of rice balls. You see, the soup is hot and spicy and a bit oily. Ghanaians will cook either antelope, chicken or fish together in the soup and then put rice balls or fufu at their will. Rice balls taste like sticky plain rice and eat with the hot and spicy soup definitely perfect match!

這道餐是我最喜愛的迦納菜之一.雖然我不太喜歡Fufu,但我很喜歡又熱又辣的fufu湯頭. 你可以用羚羊肉(沒錯,就是羚羊),雞肉或魚肉燉煮. 你也可以選擇加入fufu麵糰或是米飯球. 米飯球吃起來介於白飯及稀飯中間,黏黏的,但QQ有彈性. 喜愛吃辣的朋友絕對不能錯過的好料.


Food-Fried rice

Fried rice is a common food in Ghana. But the different from Chinese fried rice is without meats. The rice is only with sliced vegetables or add some soybean sauce stir-fry. So, they will put other meats beside the rice, like fried chicken or stir-fried chicken and also salads. It is a west-style food.
炒飯在迦納是很普遍的食物.但他們的炒飯只有碎青菜或者再加醬油拌炒. 所以還會放其他的肉類在飯旁,像是炸雞或炒雞肉等. 另外再加點沙拉.是一道西式的吃法.



Fufu, one of the staple foods and made of mashed cassavas and plantains. After being fermented, put it into a pot to steam prepared.

Once finished, there will be a yellow paste, similar to Chinese Maji. Then Ghanaians usually put the paste in a spicy and hot meat soup. That's all.

By the way, they eat fufu by hands, not fork or spoon.

Face wall
It is similar to Fufu but without mashed plantains inside. Why does it call face wall? They said it can make potent sexual instinct act. So you have to face wall to eat, for men.

Fufu, 傳統的迦納菜之一.將cassava和芭蕉搗碎後,再發酵,最後再放進鍋子裡蒸熟. 當fufu做好後,會放入又紅又辣的肉湯中一起吃. Fufu吃起來的口感很像我們的麻薯, QQ黏黏的. 迦納人吃這道菜是要先洗手, 因為要用手吃哦!



The stewed beans are red and fried-plantains are also red. So this dish calls Redred. It is a funndy name, Red Red. Haha!
The white grains are made of dried cassava called "gari" . A mouthful of plantain and the other stewed beans are matching very well.
I feel it is a little greasy because of oily fried plantains and stewed beans. Now that come to hana, it is still worth tasting it for sure.

為什麼叫紅紅呢?因為燉豆子是紅色的,炸芭蕉也是紅色的,二個加給來就是紅紅啦! 真可愛的名字.我覺得這道菜第一次吃還不賴,可是吃久了會覺得有點膩. 因為燉豆子很油,炸芭蕉也油油的. 不過來到迦納還是要試試看哦!
