
2008年8月20日 星期三





有誰會去把它看第二遍= =+


然後開始了我的菜鳥攝影師生涯(結束拍攝時應該也還是菜鳥= =b)

看到好看的不要顧著欣賞,記得舉起攝影機把它拍下來-->這個最難= =b


海關禁止攝影我知道,為什麼停機坪也禁止攝影咧= =+

在Winneba的Uncle Rich小學,人山人海的畫面不知從何拍起
害學校停水一天,還讓Joy賠了9 Cedi的修理費QQ

總會讓人忍不住詛咒受訪者的長舌= =b


I will do my best, and our documentary would touch others.


2008年8月18日 星期一

墨導小記- God, please raise me up!




前幾天到ict center對於director的訪談,那一次我在訪談前不想睡硬逼自己睡,結果效果真的不錯。容易缺氧的大腦沒有辜負我的期望,還是會不小心放空、不小心分神,但至少沒有大剌剌地睡著然後失去知覺(中午飯後的訪談我真的無法控制)。

我想學會與人互動,想要讓有我的訪談更有趣一點。大家都不是明星,沒有人是不會怕鏡頭的。妳怕,跟攝影師不熟的人比妳更怕;妳慢熟型,受訪者又不一定想交妳這個朋友;妳覺得無聊,人家對那些跳tone又無厘頭的話題也是莫名奇妙。God, please raise me up!

【墨 8/18】

2008年8月16日 星期六

墨導小記- All Roads Lead to Humanity

The more people you meet, the more you know that humanity is all the same. Wherever you go, you always end up being what you are. With the concept in mind, I told myself never to stop observing and getting better. However, sometimes you have to relax and accept yourself. When I tried to cherish the time of relaxing here, something went through.

“Hey, you have been lazy these days. When are you going to finish the films recently?” asked by one of the cameramen, Shone. “If she doesn't want to do it, just let it go.” said the one you-know-who. Well, I have to say that I was being lazy. Somehow I felt that I was not what I am here with the tough and don't-know-how-to-do job.

Laziness is humanity, as well as the end of the tolerance. I have to be reminded that I must go on even though all of us know well about our weakness in every way. The morning when Peter judged the efficiency of African time, I was deeply reminded. You don’t have to compare yourself with others (especially the professional) if you want to make progress.

I always doubt the way we get since we were in Africa. Watching films and thinking about the next step to go on, arguing and complaining (most times I did) and stopping moving forward and starting over again, I need something that I know little about. IT school session is not the vacation. >O<

Pictures: As I play and totally forget documentary directing job, cameramen were still working, both seriously and enjoyably.

【墨 8/16】

墨導小記- All Days Lead to Birthday

Please, don't ask me my point of view on those documentaries; don't ask me the idea to conduct the interview; don't ask me…how to celebrate my birthday. I have no idea!

I have no idea what makes sense and what not. During this trip which had been long expected (since last November), I kept wondering and trying to convince myself that nothing is meaningless, neither even the waste of time. (I mean when we argued every time and ended up having no conclusion and starting over again and again.)

Nothing is perfect, but either nothing doesn't have chance to be perfect. With the one you-know-who to push all of us seriously and torturing, it never ends and we never stop. All days lead to birthday, although I used to try to look it over.

【墨 8/16】

2008年8月13日 星期三

080813- culture event

There was a culture event held in Winneba town at 3:00pm today. So as soon as IT school class ended, we were heading to the town. Then we saw a town square with 3 sheds put up. The north side was Winneba band. At the opposite side was Cape Coast band. We sat at west side. Suddenly, there came a bus carrying lots of foreigners. (oh no, Ghanaians are also foreigners to us. Haha¡K.) They are Belgians actually and are also a volunteer group traveling in Africa during summer vacation. The leader is a woman who takes 10 more kids ranged from 7~ 15 year-old. The purpose here was a kind of culture exchange of drums. Africans are also good drummers. Thus, these 3 groups were playing with drums in turn. At the same time, Ghanaians were also showing their superior dancing, twisting theirs butts and shaking whole bodies. What a cheerful and exhilarated scene that I could never forget. Even though they are not professional dancers, they still had exerted all their strengths.

I liked the Belgians the most. Because the kids are so cute and naive that I am hard to image they are from families with a tough financial situation. (The volunteer group is aimed to assist those children building up its confidence. That's why they were here and was going to Cape Coast and then Nigeria.)

Somehow you might find lots of small venders emerged in the crowd. They were watching the show and peddled their own business at the same time. Children were always never absence from taking part in merriment. While we appeared in the crowd, we were conspicuous target of slightly strange and queer. Maybe it was the first time that they encounter non-black humans in their life.

We do widen our horizon to the Ghanaian traditional celebration. Furthermore, we had stayed in classroom all day long for 3 days. It was a real moment of letting us breathing some fresh air.


2008年8月12日 星期二

墨導小記- 停停走走

IT school終於開始了,發現自己實際上的貢獻也一樣不是很多。紀錄片出現了新主軸但卻沒有了interview的對象,我想就這樣停下來一會兒。但稍微想一下,IT school這裡一停就是十天兩個禮拜,總共行程也才五個禮拜,如此還大言不慚地告訴人家我們在拍紀錄片,似乎說不太過去。

IT school需要紀錄的東西我還找不太到。主動學習、踴躍發言的青少年學生們在參訪學校時就已經見識過。Dennis的教學過程很是流暢精彩,但我對教學影片實在沒興趣,看片看到趴在電腦前就可以睡死,全程攝影又太佔硬碟空間,攝影師群也吃不消。


【墨 8/12】

080812- IT school

We were going to give lectures in IT School for students aged from 11 ~15 in the following two weeks. Originally we got a message that there were 28 students coming from 7 different schools, 4 students per school. But due to summer vacation, it is hard to call students together under a bad transportation situation and accidental reasons.

Therefore, there were only 16 students from Uncle Rich school in the morning. Happily there were 5 more students from XX school coming later. There were 21 students in total.

Today was the first class. Joy started the opening with Denise (OVF training teacher) and 10 of us.

In the morning, Denise introduced what computer is and mentioned about super PC/mini PC/Palm PC and so on. He just gave them a simple conception of that since they were all beginners. The 2nd class started at 1:30pm. Denise continually introduced PC in relation to hardware & software. Afterwards, Peter was in charge of the rest time, around 1 hr. He taught them how to use mouse, such as opening files, minimizing & maimizing the windows. So they were going to have an idea at first step. Above was the outline of first class today.

Furthermore, for such beginners, they were very courious about the machines. Sometimes they enjoyed the dragging mouse and sometimes they were frustrated about unmovable point of arror. Most children were excited but few were scared by PC thoroughtly. PC to them is like a magic mirror which can complete their dreams totally and discover a whole new world out of boundry of Ghana. That's why they are here. They are so eager to learn the latest technology!

Hope the classes really help and evoke their interests to the technology through internet by themselves after we leave! Hope the classes will go smoothly and successfully!

PS. Most students have no idea about PC at all except 4 or 5 who have PCs at home. Thus, we decided to divide them into basic, medium and advanced levels. The basic level has more tutors aside. That way the presenter will be easy to go through the lecture.


2008年8月11日 星期一

墨導小記- 還是覺得我是對的


今天richardson沒有來,少了一些interview的壓力。晚上在homestay家門口覺得自己很不會抬槓,我只要累了或心情不high(不是不好,是不high)就會想不出話題來。I am that I am,忘了從什麼時候開始,大概是最近一年內而已吧,決定要接受並且做回原本的自己。真的累了,或是不想吵鬧,那就讓它靜吧。


【墨 8/11】

2008年8月10日 星期日

墨導小記- 新的主軸




【墨 8/10】

080810- China Products Flood into Ghana

I am suprised to recognize Chinese words on the packages of commodities. You can see China products everywhere in Ghana. From tissues, plastic slippers, toys, buckets, to sauces, cans, candies¡Ketc.

Understandably this country produces few appliances by themselves except exploiting natural resources of mine, diamonds and planting agriculture.

So they import cheaper goods from China in which the prices could be afford by Ghanaians.
One day we met a couple of Chinese who traveled to Cape Coast Castle from Accra.

They said they have run their own business in Accra. I didn't ask what kind of business they're running, but I guess they may do lots of importing trade from China.

Let's zoom in on Taiwan. Living in the highly modern country, we can easily get anything we need because convenience stores are almost on every corner; vendors, stands, supermarkets, 3C distributors and bookstores are everywhere. We even persue designed clothes, luxuries and exclusive foods for high-level life.

But in Ghana, the economy stays in argriculture age. There are very few choices, self-contained information and are short of technologies. So you can realize that national economy is really crucial to a country's development.

In China, there were lots of Taiwanese businessmen investing thousands of US dollars around 1990. They built manufactures, trained people and brought new skills to China. It created a lot more job opportunities there. People could earn more money than before. And then a great deal of service industries come out gradually. People become richer and richer. For China, there was external stimulus(investments) from Taiwan and western countries. China government also put much efforts to open up its markets and made relative polices to support its economies.

Afterwards, the economy have grew faster and faster from now on. China has become the main factory of the world.

Now you can realize why China products flood into Ghana, and somewhere else in Africa. National economy does decide a country's competitiveness and the citizens' life standard.


2008年8月9日 星期六

080809- ceremony

When it comes to rural village or ancient anthropology, you can easily image what the "ceremony" is. Harvest, ghost, ancestors, specific animals, dance, music, totem, drum, singing, elaborate dress, beverage, foods and much more.

We have visited 2 different ceremonies in Ghana. One is a traditional custom of "yam on stool" and the other is for "Queen Mother of Development".

A kind of harvest ceremony. Only "yams" can be put on the stool. Other vegetables are not treated as well as yams. Maybe it is village residents' staple food, I guess. So people put yams on the stool showing respect. During the ceremony, they drummed, danced and prayed. They also sacrificed a goat for the celebration and appreciation to God. I didn't realize whole process of the ceremony in details due to the limited time. But the point is you were really there and observed the vivid proceeding which is always recorded on books by yourselves - the cane of authority, chief, traditional dressings and solemn ritual¡Ketc.

I liked this ceremony very very much! It was an unforgettable experience to me absolutely!

This ceremony is aimed to coronate one who contributes substantially to town by the supreme chief. Today was Joy's big day because she was going to be crowned the title of Queen Mother of Development. By the way, if the one who's going to be crowned is male, his title will be "Development King".

At the beginning, Joy had to put on traditional ritual dressings, wear golden ornaments and put on local-style black slippers. While dressing up, she went downstairs from 2nd floor of the chief's house. By her sides were the two wives of the chief and other people were just following. One of them put up a peculiar and traditional umbrella above Joy's head. Then, Joy and two of the wives were moving forward in front of the chief. The emcee read praying incantation and Joy followed his ritual performances. Afterwards, Joy sat down next to the chief and then the wives.

At the same time, there were many village people crowded into the chief's house. Some sat down on chairs behind the chief and some stood up by the side. There was an interesting thing that worth mentioning. Throughout the journey so far, the ones we met were all invited to this ceremony: two guides from Kakum National Park, the dancer and the artist from Cape Coast town, Muse (a palm farmer), Kafui (OVF founder) and his elder brother. It seemed to be a little traditional party for Joy.

Latter on, some of people started dancing in front of chief and Joy with powerful drumming. We were taking pictures and video ceaselessly. No doubt, we do enjoy the ceremony with solemn and lovely moods.

The ceremony lasted 2 hours. From now on, Joy has a new Ghanaian name - Nana Efua Tweneboah II. "Nana" stands for respectful form of address. "Efua" stands for Friday born female, and Tweneboah is a given name. So Joy's new name stands for that one is strive to make better life for farmers or residents in Jukwa.

PS: The chief is inherited from generation to generation in light of matriarchy. This chief, King Odeefo Boa Amponsem III governing the kingdom of Denkyira, was assigned by his uncle who is a brother of his mother. So Amponsem must assign a successor from one of his sisters' sons before he passes away. However, if elders do not agree with the successor, they will elect another one. Chief's mother has the power to make a decision.

See, it is an ancient clan society according to anthropology.


2008年8月8日 星期五

墨導小記- 啊然後咧



【墨 8/8】

2008年8月7日 星期四






【墨 8/7】

080807- Coincidence

Today we got up very very early at 4:00am because we were bound for Kakum Nation Park again (in fact we had been there on Monday) to see wildlife. Animals are always going to hide before dawning. So we have to grope our way in dark night and wait for them.

Wandering in Kakum forest with various unusual trees was an unforgettable and unexpected experience to me. Today we walked under canopy drawbridge. Tomorrow, uh-huh we are going to come again and walk on canopy walkway for birds watching. (So sad, we have to get up very very early.)

After forest tour, we were back to main road of Kakum. You guess what, we crossed by a woman, who was very familiar with someone we'd met before, but we were not sure who she was at that moment. As a matter of fact she was the Kakum tour guide first time we came with. Afterwards, we talked each other for a while and knew she was an orphan in childhood. And now she constructed an orphanage and adopted 10 children. Her story was really worth reporting we thought. Thus we went to visit the orphanage called "Horizon-Children's home" which means " Keep going on and on."

See, this is the house for orphans. Ms. Agnes Ampong, is a humor, energetic, kind and friendly woman. She has 3 jobs to raise these children. One is a Kakum National Park tour guide, the other is doing small business of vegetables, peppers and foods ingredients at home, and another is running "Horizon Children House". She keeps looking for anything else she can gain more money.

Though she is an orphan, she still dedicates to herself to those children. What she engaged in did touch us deeply in the hearts.

Due to Kakum, we know this story. Due to her, we realize one is devoted to herself back to her country, even she is poor and insufficient.

If you recognize this story, you can write her an email. She will be very happy to know you for sure. Email: Ms. Agnes Ampong. Address: P.O. Box 1508 Cape Coast, Ghana


2008年8月4日 星期一

080804- Farmers

After Kakum forest journey this morning, we were heading to palm oil processing factory continually. 2 days ago we had visited Jukwa farmers' farms of palm tree, corns, oranges and vegetables. Today, we were going to realize their processing steps of palm oil.

Ghana farmers have organized a co-up to promote their palm oils. In 2005, they had set up a new automation factory which was subsidized 90% by the government. But it doesn't start using yet till now.

Below is one of the traditional palm oil factories at a private place.
Step 1. Separation - getting palm seeds from palm branches.
Step 2. Boiling - cooking thoroughly fresh flesh.
Step 3. Grinding-separate palm fibers and shells.
Step 4. Boiling - heating palm fibers in order for getting oil easily.
Step 5. Extracting - pressing palm fibers and shells and getting pure oil.
Step 6. Separation - make palm fibers and shells apart.
Step 7. Boiling - only boiling palm fibers in order for getting second time palm oil.
Step 8. Extracting - pressing palm fibers with hot water
Step 9. Boiling - boiling second time oil and evaporating water out of oil. And pour 2nd time oil into 1st time oil. They are finished palm oil of pure and high quality.
Step 10. The palm fibers will regard to match for boiling step 2 & 7.
Step 11. The shells will go to another processing step - Cracking, to get second class oil for the ingredients of soap.

That's is local traditional and primitively processing procedure. But, you may wonder the sanitation, oil quality control, fab safety, palm oil yield rate, packaging and so on. Yes. Indeed. Those are also our queries about the process. Under such shabby and insufficient environment, what they can do may be as followings:
1) Extract high quality palm oils.
2) Sell second-class oils to soap factories for uneatable ingredients.
3) Create their co-up's own supplier chain, like distributor and marketing.
4) Process biodiesel if possible.
Above actions should take times and need long-term planning. Those are what OVF did for such long time in Jukwa.

On the other hand, because the palm oil will be sold in the market with dedicate and well-look package, for marketing, we can establish a communicatable bridge between local artists and farmers. The artists can help design palm oil packaging in order to higher retail price. At present, their packaging takes lots of part in whole cost. So, reconstruct packaging is a kind of chances to gain more profits. Second, one of the ways we can help is to re-design fab flows and make it more efficiently.

By the way, farmers are not different. Their vexations are similar to one another in the world. The weather is main factor to determine plants growth. Water is the second. Youths usually tear themselves away from their hometown to modern big cities. When farmers get older and older, they can not work in farm anymore.

However, Ghanaian farmers seem to be more poor and impoverished because of no irrigation canals at all. The successful plants are merely destined by God. That's why the farmers' efforts usually waste due to the weather. Another problem is lack of agriculture techniques. Therefore, they still make use of ancient techniques which result to bad harvest. As Taiwan's experience, our government put much efforts on agriculture industry. Consequently Taiwan's farm products enjoy highly reputation in the world nowadays. Today, Ghanaian agriculture can't be solved without government's supports. That's the most radical problem of all.


2008年8月3日 星期日


算一算,今天剛好是來到迦納的一周紀念日,我們現在位於Cape Coast,是一個古時用來出口非洲黑奴的海港城市,是西方國家現今通往西非的門戶之一。雖然來到了這個具有歷史傷痛的城市,但還是不能忘懷在Winneba生活的種種,尤其是當打開水龍頭,發現流出來的水是黃褐色時,那種情緒真是五味雜陳呀!

在Winneba,我們可以自由地與當地人交談、交朋友,自由地走路回家,自由地買東西,自由地跟路人say hello。這些自由曾經讓我以為我已經夠了解迦納了,以為我可以獨自生活在迦納了,不需要當地人陪同,也可以自給自足。但再怎樣也不會想到,這些信念在我出發到Jukwa時,開始一一崩解。


或許是中國古代聖賢們要我體會中庸之道吧,在我最Open my mind的時候,教了我一堂課。在我熱切地分享我隨身物品給迦納大朋友時,面臨差一點丟了手機的危險。原以為自己碰到的是較特殊的案例,沒想到同樣情形竟然也發生在其他團員們當中。當我們被圍在小孩子堆裡,聽到不是天真的笑聲,而是幾句不像是他們會說出來的話:「我想要你的手機」、「你可以給我什麼嗎?」、「我想要這個手電筒」,這些聲音聽在我耳裡顯得格外刺耳。



【Lance 8/3】

080803- Peace

Jukwa is Ghanaian dialect which stands for "peace". It is a small area, village inside Kakum National Park.

Jukwa ,where people lives with strolling goats, sheep, chickens, pigs and cows around the road, is comprised a peaceful and mutual rural picture. People are unsophisticated, dress traditional Ghanaian clothing and eat traditional food, Fu Fu, RedRed, Kenkey and Banku.

You may notice that some of the children are barefooted and some wear queer shoes. It is a common appearance of thing that children wear un-fitted clothes as well. Senior children usually carry younger children on back and even carry things on top of the head at the same time.

Things come into the sight lead human beings into primitive age. Human beings live with nature as a circle of life.

While visiting a small village in Jukwa, we sat down in a circle and prayed earnestly and sincerely under a lemon tree. At the moment I was overwhelmed by my perception of tranquility and peace. It was strongly comparison with indifferent urban ecology and people.

If you would like to know my experience here in Ghana, I have to say "treating all living things alike and back to root."


080803- 拜見大頭目

這是一個總統/行政首長和國王/酋長並存的社會,首長是經由人民選舉而產生,酋長則是世代傳承。我們今天將會拜見兩位酋長,其中一位是Jukua和Dunkwa on Offin的國王(兩個states的國王),King Odeefuo Boa Amponsem III,位階高於所有的酋長。在迦納,國王選舉的方式與中國王位繼承法則「兄終弟及,父死子繼」並不相同,現任國王會從姊妹的兒子們中指定繼承人,如果長老們不同意,會另行推派出另一位候選人,由Queen Mother(家族中的一位女性)做最終的決定。

今天是來到Central Region的第二天,我們來到一個叫Jukwa的部落,Jukwa是一個很純樸的村落,在我們來迦納之前就排定在我們的行程之內了,上網找資料時,發現搜尋引擎也無法提供我們太多的資料,對於這個地方,既是期待,又是好奇。而今天的行程要拜見兩位大人物,一位是Jukwa的酋長,另一位是King Odeefuo Boa Amponsem III,King of Junkua and Dunka on Offin,不知道會是怎樣的場面呢?我的腦子轉個不停……


From Taiwan to Ghana,這段路好遠!





給國王的禮物除了學校的紀念品外,還有極具中國特色的筷子(好笑的是上面竟然有Made in Japan的字樣),長老們對筷子很有興趣,紛紛拿起筷子學習怎麼使用,結果長老們每次試夾失敗,後面的人便爆出笑聲,直到後來我才發現連我自己也夾不起可樂瓶蓋,害我很不好意思。


長老們驚訝於我的答案:二千三百萬人,還記得前陣子有則新聞是台灣第二千三百萬名寶寶出生,雖然一直知道台灣是人口密度很高的國家(636 人/平方公里),但從小便生活在這樣的環境,習慣擁擠的街道、與人擦肩而過時的閃躲和數也數不清的車子,那天飛機降落前,我從空中看著迦納這片土地,那是一大片一大片的綠,極少的建築物和交通工具點綴其中,23萬餘平方公里的土地,只居住了二千二百萬多人,這是人口密度只有93人/平方公里的國家。



雖然今天的行程很滿,從早上參觀部落、上教堂做禮拜;下午拜見酋長和頭目、參觀Frank Temma Good News Club和與農民們會談,但卻讓我看見有別於Winneba以外的迦納:農民的樸實、孩子的活力和酋長的威嚴。

你可以想像嗎?當我們到訪Frank Temma Good News Club時,我們只能停留短短二十五分鐘,但孩子們卻又唱又跳了二十分鐘!孩子們看著我們的眼神,既是好奇,又是興奮,每個人拉開嗓門唱著歌時,分貝高到我耳朵一直耳嗚,跟著他們又唱又跳的好開心(此時心中的OS是台灣的孩子你們要振作點啊!),總之,這是我看過最神奇的唱跳不斷二十分鐘了,雖然我聽不大懂他們在唱什麼,雖然我很害怕我們帶的活動鳥鳥的他們不喜歡,但之後竟然在路上遇到小朋友對我們唱一比丫丫,那種感覺我這輩子都忘不了。



2008年8月2日 星期六

080802- Eco-being

I can't believe it! It is a real Arcadia in front of me. Previously I did't quite realize what is co-existence and the definition of ecosystem. Now I understood completely. Here, a "Hands Cabbage" wildlife restaurant which manages tourism business is arranged and constructed an organic ecosystem.

It is so amazing that I've never seen it before in Taiwan. The main building is located above a pool and a great of papaya trees, passion fruit trees surrounding it. Inside the pool are few crocodiles moving or sleeping. You can choose a table by the pool to look all around.

Unexpectedly, you can't image that there are hundreds of nests hanging on the trees. Sorry, I can not distinguish what the species is. But I ensure that the sound is the most pleasing melody that you may not miss in your life. Sitting down on the sofa leisurely makes you throw aside all my troubles and fusses at that moment.

The eco-environment is extremely fabulous to one who is used to live in a bustling city, like Taipei. If I was not here, I might not really experience a mind of Heaven.



請大家見諒 Orz
敬請期待 =)

see you next week =p

2008年8月1日 星期五

080801- chatting

"We are pride of being Africans. We are pride of being Ghanaians. Ghana is a rich country. Africa is a rich continent. You will be loving staying here indeed. " told by Eddit, a technician working for OVF.

During the interview with Eddit, "Ghana" was repeated so many times and was complimented in the way of people, culture, land and even education with bilingual language.

If you ask Taiwanese the same questions, do you like Taiwan? How about Taiwan? I guess our answers would be not as pride as Ghanaians. Are we pride of being "Taiwanese"? Do we love our country so much? Are we happy living in Taiwan? Is Taiwan beautiful? Will foreigners enjoy Taiwan's culture absolutely? Is Taiwan complimented in the way of education, technology, people, political, transportation and so on?

The sky is clear up as if just washed out. This morning was so beautiful to enjoy the short chatting with Ghanaians face by face. They were talking fluently and endlessly all about their deeply opinions. I am so happy to be here. I love everything here that I saw, contacted and interacted.


080801- what can you do for your country

Today we are divided into 2 groups for "adventure". One is for OVF ICT development and the other is undertaking primary school visit. I am assigned to the school visit which is called Saint Pauls Methodist School nearby ODiV .

While we appear in front of those students, they are surprised and excited. Some are running out shyly and some are encircling us curiously. Then we are invited into their auditorium, and find a female English teacher at the back. Of course we chat with her and explain our purpose in Ghana. We are again invited to another side and sit in front of some students who are either class leaders or higher-grade students.

After introducing ourselves officially, I ask them one question of that "what do you want to do while growing up?"I much marvel at their answers to be a surgeon, layer, nurse, chemical engineer, agriculture engineer and biologist.

Afterward, they ask us the same questions and we replies to housewife, CEO of a company, boss and so on. These students are eager to say something more and keep querying more and more questions. Meanwhile, a boy, 14 years old, asks us "what can you do for your country?" Suddenly we are all dumfounded for seconds, and I screw up my courage saying carefully "pollution protection".

To be frankly, I do not ever think about this question at all. To live in well off country like Taiwan, we are out of under developed economy for a long time. From childhood to grown-up, the issue is reversed rationally to "what can our country do for us?" Have we ever think of this question and really take into an action for our country? For me, my answer is "Never".

While interviewing with those primary students, the time point is static without any conscious. Aain, what can you do for your country???? A lot of question marks go down deeply in my heart. And you?


080801- 回家


禮拜五的晚上,我們依舊在Open digital village center待到很晚才回家。所謂「很晚」其實也不過才九點多;所謂的「家」,真是難以定義,到迦納快一個禮拜了,還沒打電話回家,也不大想家,偶爾想起媽媽,知道她對我的信任,也就沒那麼把打電話回家這事掛在心上。
Jacob和Sulai陪我們走回家,走捷徑穿過Uncle Rich School的校園,地上因早上下的大雨而泥濘不堪,Jacob細心地提醒我們要小心,笑著說:「This is Africa.」
Jacob走到路口就要跟我們道別了,他說他要搭車回Kumasi的父母家,我才意識到今天是禮拜五晚上,很多人都要回家。跟我們不同的是,他們是說「go to my parents' place」而不是「go home」,我要到什麼時候才會有自己的家呢?又陷入沉思。生日歌把我拉了回來,原來隔天就是Jacob的生日,我們唱完英文版改唱中文版,一位經過的婦人開始搖起身體來,還跟我們一起鼓掌一起慶祝,Jacob跟大家擁抱,路人也跑過來跟大家擁抱,大家就這樣抱成一片。
走過Babara工作的餐廳,再過不久就是我們的Homestay family了,從Open digital village center到Homestay family約三十分鐘,但因為我們一大群人一起走,邊走邊聊邊開玩笑邊大笑,所以每次都會走很久才回到家。現在想起來就覺得好笑,確切的內容因為沒營養又低級所以不大記得了,但那種一大群人一起玩一起笑的感覺真的是不得了的珍貴。
我的足跡,在非洲,一步一步,back to the root。


080801- 第三階段




總之,因為此行只待五個禮拜(如果可以,我會想待半年以上),所以我希望能把狀態直接調整到第三階段,不希望第二階段太難熬而放棄更深入認識一個國家/地方的機會,因此我不抱太多期待,以免招來太多失望。  目前對於迦納的印象是跟二十年前的台灣很像:滿地的垃圾、飲用水是地下水、某些地區的人民依舊居住土塊厝……。我們住的地方算是高級住宅,環境非常好,三餐有人打理,晚上走路回家有人陪(現在沒有了),有的時候房東太太還會把男生們的髒衣服搶去洗(可能看不下去他們的洗衣方式吧),在這裡,我們像極是溫室的花朵被全然地保護,OVF請了Shine來安排我們的行程,但卻像是我們的褓姆陪在我們身邊,擔心我們在路上隨便買東西吃拉肚子、擔心我們晚上自己走回家被搶、擔心這個、擔心那個的。除了感激,其實有點哭笑不得。  

今天的行程分成兩組進行,一組留在Open Digital Center對OVF的職員進行採訪,另一組則前往另一所私立學校參訪(Saint Pauls Meihodist School))。  


迦納的教育體系與台灣的不同,先要念九年的Primary school,畢業之後可以選擇就讀三年制的Senior high school或Secondary school,前者畢業可繼續就讀四年制的University或Collage,後者畢業後可繼續就讀三年制的Polytechnic school。Primary school一學年有三個學期,三學期共九個月,新學年從九月開始,教學科目包括:數學、科學、社會、美術、音樂、體育、英語、法語及當地語言。現在是七月底,Primary school的孩子們下禮拜期末考完就放假了,看他們一下課就從教室蜂湧而出,我想應該是沒什麼課業壓力吧!這所私立學校升大學的比例是30%,在迦納來說,私立學校比公立學校的師資優良許多,因此可以想見在迦納,念大學的人並不多。



Are you proud of your country?  
Do you like to live in your country?  
Both of my answers are yes. Yes, I do.
