
2009年6月23日 星期二


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As this month’s digital television conversion makes tens of millions of analog TV’s obsolete, and Americans continue to trash computers and cell  phones at alarming rates, FRONTLINE/World presents a global investigation into the dirty secret of the digital age -- the dumping and dangerous  recycling of hundreds of millions of pounds of electronic waste across the developing world. The report also uncovers another byproduct of our  disposable culture – data fraud, as thousands of old hard drives are finding their way into criminal hands. s

INTERACTIVE MAP: The Global Trade in Electronic Waste. Americans throw away between 14 and 20 million computers a year. Follow the e-trash trail to find out where are biggest markets and who is paying the price.  The Good Recycling Guide Buy or repair? Recycle or donate? What are greener options? Follow the FAQs and expert links for some answers. Jim Puckett, a leading campaigner against the e-waste trade, answers student questions about its impact around the world. SLIDESHOW: “Sodom and Gomorrah” It’s the name given to Ghana’s largest e-waste slum. A slideshow reveals life there.
Share Your Reaction, Join the DiscussionWhere the Law Stands on E-Waste What’s being done at the state, federal and international level?

