
2008年8月1日 星期五

080801- what can you do for your country

Today we are divided into 2 groups for "adventure". One is for OVF ICT development and the other is undertaking primary school visit. I am assigned to the school visit which is called Saint Pauls Methodist School nearby ODiV .

While we appear in front of those students, they are surprised and excited. Some are running out shyly and some are encircling us curiously. Then we are invited into their auditorium, and find a female English teacher at the back. Of course we chat with her and explain our purpose in Ghana. We are again invited to another side and sit in front of some students who are either class leaders or higher-grade students.

After introducing ourselves officially, I ask them one question of that "what do you want to do while growing up?"I much marvel at their answers to be a surgeon, layer, nurse, chemical engineer, agriculture engineer and biologist.

Afterward, they ask us the same questions and we replies to housewife, CEO of a company, boss and so on. These students are eager to say something more and keep querying more and more questions. Meanwhile, a boy, 14 years old, asks us "what can you do for your country?" Suddenly we are all dumfounded for seconds, and I screw up my courage saying carefully "pollution protection".

To be frankly, I do not ever think about this question at all. To live in well off country like Taiwan, we are out of under developed economy for a long time. From childhood to grown-up, the issue is reversed rationally to "what can our country do for us?" Have we ever think of this question and really take into an action for our country? For me, my answer is "Never".

While interviewing with those primary students, the time point is static without any conscious. Aain, what can you do for your country???? A lot of question marks go down deeply in my heart. And you?


